Lifeproof Photo Shoot 3

If you haven’t read my previous two posts on my LifeProof photo shoots, I was asked by LifeProof to take some photos of their awesome nuud phone case for their summer unleashed campaign. After a walk up to an old abandoned cable car station and  a bit of mountain bike photography at Les Contamines I wanted to try and get some mountaineering photos.

Fred and Fay were my volunteer models for the day, I had wanted to go and take some photos on the Cosmique Arête but the weather wasn’t looking great so we decided to head up to Montenvers and try and take some photos up there.

The cloud was pretty thick when we got up there, but we pushed on anyway and walked over to the ladders down to the glacier to see if we could find any suitable photo locations over there.

If you haven’t been this is a series of fairly steep ladders that take you all the way down the side of the cliff to the mer de glace at the bottom. While not difficult, it’s not for the faint hearted as there is some quite serious exposure.

On the way over the cloud cleared and we managed to get some good shots of the view, including this one which was the best photo of the shoot.

I really wanted to try and get some climbing photos so we climbed half way down the ladders and rigged up a belay just off the the side to make it look like a proper climb. It was a great location as the ladders enabled me to move around easily and take quickly take photos from different positions and there was a bug fixed rope that I could attach myself to. A mountaineering photographers dream setup. Not sure Fred and Fay agreed though as I think they must have spent well over an hour tied to that little ledge while I happily ran around taking photos.

After getting all the shots I needed we wandered back to the train, stopping for a well deserved beer on the way.

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